The 2024 summer program is finalised.
It's in 3 parts:
Weekend Regattas
• Sail Fremantle - FSC
• Syd Corser - RFBYC
• State Championships - RPYC Annex
• Bill Steele Regatta - !!!!
All of them are in association with other fleets, so Etchells will be 'on display’ and having fun being part of the wider sailing community.
For the Bill Steele Regatta, the Mandurah option didn’t work out, but we are investigating with others to spend a weekend racing at Rottnest Island before Easter.
Windward/Leeward Racing
• On the river
• Multiple races over 4 Saturday afternoons with points counting for the Rob Bird Series and Michael Manford Series
Our hosts will alternatively be RFBYC and RPYC and again in in association with other fleets and ‘Etchells on display’.
Pennant Races
• RFBYC Pennant Races but with a twist.
• Races the weekend before Windward/Leeward races (which are themselves just before weekend regattas) will also be tuning days with an emphasis on getting together before and after the races to talk through boat set ups and techniques.
• On the attached schedule the ‘red’ pennant days will have two mid river races – a sprint and a longer race. The SR pennant race days will be from the RFBYC club start line and there will be three sprint races.
For the Windward/Leeward race days and the tuning day pennant races immediately prior, the committee has set aside a budget for a little catering back at the clubhouse for the debriefs after racing.
YES, we want to sponsor fun!